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Modelling And experIments On Land-surface Interactions with atmospheric Chemistry and climAte
In Kooperation mit der ETH Zürich - Grasland Science führt METAIR Methan-Messungen (CH4) über dem Schweizer Mittelland durch.
Mit einem speziell für den Betrieb in unserer TTC-ECO DIMO umgebauten Methane Messgerät der Firma Los Gatos Research können während dem Flug die jeweiligen Methankonzentrationen sehr genau erfasst werden.


Land Ecosystem Experiments
Poster at Latsis Symposium, ETH Zurich, 15.-17. Nov. 2010
Werner Eugster, Rebecca Hiller, Dominik Brunner, Bela Tuzson, Brigitte Buchmann, Lukas Emmenegger, Bruno Neininger, Carsten Schubert, Elke Hodson, Jacqueline Stieger, Nina Buchmann


Regional Integration Experiment

Poster at Latsis Symposium, ETH Zurich, 15.-17. Nov. 2010
Rebecca Hiller, Werner Eugster, Dominik Brunner, Brigitte Buchmann, Lukas Emmenegger, Bruno Neininger, Carsten Schubert, Elke Hodson, Jacqueline Stieger, Nina Buchmann




Quantifying methane emissions in the Surat Basin, Australia

See our latest publication in the list of publications

METAIR-DIMO 2016 over the North Sea
METAIR-DIMO during the FTL (Flight Test Lab) of the two Universities of Applied Sciences Aachen and Zurich (ZHAW) in August 2016.
Picture see HERE
Shortly after this, we documented methane emissions from the natural gas fields near Groningen, Netherlands. See Yacovich et al. in the list of publications
In August 2012, METAIR was participating in C-MapExp  - a joint project with the University of Bremen and FU Berlin, funded by ESA:
Results of the campaign see Publications